Module Contents¶
AdverseEventCausalityAssessment |
- class spark_auto_mapper_fhir.value_sets.adverse_event_causality_assessment.AdverseEventCausalityAssessmentCode(value)¶
AdverseEventCausalityAssessment From: in valuesets.xml
Codes for the assessment of whether the entity caused the event.
- Parameters
value (spark_auto_mapper.type_definitions.defined_types.AutoMapperTextInputType) –
- codeset :spark_auto_mapper_fhir.fhir_types.uri.FhirUri =¶
- class spark_auto_mapper_fhir.value_sets.adverse_event_causality_assessment.AdverseEventCausalityAssessmentCodeValues¶
i) Event or laboratory test abnormality, with plausible time relationship to drug intake; ii) Cannot be explained by disease or other drugs; iii) Response to withdrawal plausible (pharmacologically, pathologically); iv) Event definitive pharmacologically or phenomenologically (i.e. an objective and specific medical disorder or a recognized pharmacological phenomenon); or v) Re-challenge satisfactory, if necessary. From: in valuesets.xml
- Certain¶
i) Event or laboratory test abnormality, with reasonable time relationship to drug intake; ii) Unlikely to be attributed to disease or other drugs; iii) Response to withdrawal clinically reasonable; or iv) Re-challenge not required. From: in valuesets.xml
- Probably_Likely¶
i) Event or laboratory test abnormality, with reasonable time relationship to drug intake; ii) Could also be explained by disease or other drugs; or iii) Information on drug withdrawal may be lacking or unclear. From: in valuesets.xml
- Possible¶
i) Event or laboratory test abnormality, with a time to drug intake that makes a relationship improbable (but not impossible); or ii) Disease or other drugs provide plausible explanations. From: in valuesets.xml
- Unlikely¶
i) Event or laboratory test abnormality; ii) More data for proper assessment needed; or iii) Additional data under examination. From: in valuesets.xml
- Conditional_Classified¶
i) Report suggesting an adverse reaction; ii) Cannot be judged because information is insufficient or contradictory; or iii) Data cannot be supplemented or verified. From: in valuesets.xml
- Unassessable_Unclassifiable¶